
Few silos are being built today. The vast majority of silos in use are decades old. Due to years of normal degradation, these older silos have reached a point where they are beginning to have serious issues. In fact, more and more catastrophic silo failures are occurring. These catastrophic failures can be incredibly costly. Debris from a catastrophic failure often damages other machinery and equipment. Material that was stored in the failed silo is often lost. Injury and even death can result when a catastrophic failure occurs and employees are nearby. An All American Silo inspection can detect issues while they are still minor and repairable. Our inspections typically include:
- An analysis of structural integrity,
- Ultrasonic thickness testing,
- Core sampling of concrete silos, and
- Evaluation of the silo’s foundation.
Contact All American Silo to schedule an inspection and find out the status of your silos.
Doing What It Takes . . . Safely
What do you do when a client needs a silo inspected, and that silo happens to be located on the bank of a river? You use a barge! All American Silo conducted this inspection using a lift that was positioned on a barge in the river. All the proper safety gear was worn by the workers, and the outcome was a thorough and safe inspection.
All American Silo does what it takes . . . Safely!